Issue 29, 2022

Two-step facile fabrication of a superamphiphilic biomimic membrane with a micro–nano structure for oil–water emulsion separation on-demand


Superamphiphilic materials have attracted much attention due to their different wettability in different media. Through a simple two-step method, we fabricated a smart separation membrane with super-amphiphilic wettability. Under the action of a micro–nano structure and fine pore size, the target emulsion can be separated under pre-wetting conditions. After testing, the separation efficiency of the membrane towards the emulsion is more than 99.6%, and it can be recycled. The membrane has a potential role in dealing with the increasingly serious pollution problem.

Graphical abstract: Two-step facile fabrication of a superamphiphilic biomimic membrane with a micro–nano structure for oil–water emulsion separation on-demand

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Article information

Article type
21 Apr 2022
16 May 2022
First published
27 Jun 2022

New J. Chem., 2022,46, 14140-14145

Two-step facile fabrication of a superamphiphilic biomimic membrane with a micro–nano structure for oil–water emulsion separation on-demand

Q. Zeng, L. Qiu, S. Zhao, J. Zhang, J. Huang and Z. Guo, New J. Chem., 2022, 46, 14140 DOI: 10.1039/D2NJ01785G

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