Issue 5, 2022

Analytical comparisons of handheld LIBS and XRF devices for rapid quantification of gallium in a plutonium surrogate matrix


This work compares a portable laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) analyzer to a portable X-ray fluorescence (XRF) device for quantification of gallium (Ga) in a plutonium surrogate matrix of cerium (Ce) for the first time. Calibration methods are developed with spectra of Ce–Ga samples from both devices. Metrics such as limit of detection (LoD) and mean average percent error (MAPE) are examined to evaluate calibration performance. While the portable LIBS device can yield a nearly instantaneous analytical measurement, its accuracy is hampered by self-absorption. By employing a self-absorption correction and increasing gating delay, LIBS calibrations with errors in the low single percents and LoDs of 0.1% Ga were constructed. The XRF device produces calibrations with superlative sensitivity, yielding LoDs for gallium in the low tens of parts-per-million (ppm), two orders of magnitude lower than the corrected LIBS models. However, a clear trade-off of measurement fidelity is established between the instantaneous analysis of the LIBS device and the minutes-long XRF measurement yielding superior detection limits.

Graphical abstract: Analytical comparisons of handheld LIBS and XRF devices for rapid quantification of gallium in a plutonium surrogate matrix

Article information

Article type
23 Nov 2021
28 Mar 2022
First published
30 Mar 2022

J. Anal. At. Spectrom., 2022,37, 1090-1098

Author version available

Analytical comparisons of handheld LIBS and XRF devices for rapid quantification of gallium in a plutonium surrogate matrix

A. P. Rao, P. R. Jenkins, J. D. Auxier, M. B. Shattan and A. K. Patnaik, J. Anal. At. Spectrom., 2022, 37, 1090 DOI: 10.1039/D1JA00404B

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