Issue 48, 2022

Mesoporous multi-valence manganese oxides composite nanotubes boosting long-life lithium-ion batteries


Multi-component nano-oxide composite materials may present special synergistic effects as anode materials for lithium-ion batteries. Mesoporous β-MnO2/Mn3O4 composite nanotubes are built here via controlling the deoxidation process of carbon-coating to induce a partial phase transition of high valence manganese dioxides. Compared to single β-MnO2 nanotubes or Mn3O4@C nanotubes, the mesoporous β-MnO2/Mn3O4@C composite nanotubes exhibit superior electrochemical properties. 679 mA h g−1 of reversible specific capacity and 86% of capacity retention after 1000 cycles at 1 A g−1 current density are obtained. The excellent performance is attributed to the unique multiple phase transitions regulation phenomena of manganese oxide occurring in the β-MnO2/Mn3O4 composite material during the electrochemical processes, which significantly extends the cycle life of the β-MnO2/Mn3O4 composite material.

Graphical abstract: Mesoporous multi-valence manganese oxides composite nanotubes boosting long-life lithium-ion batteries

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Article information

Article type
06 Oct 2022
08 Nov 2022
First published
11 Nov 2022

Dalton Trans., 2022,51, 18622-18632

Mesoporous multi-valence manganese oxides composite nanotubes boosting long-life lithium-ion batteries

J. Zhou, B. Feng, X. Kong, L. Li, Z. Li, X. Tian, M. Feng, S. Qu and J. Wang, Dalton Trans., 2022, 51, 18622 DOI: 10.1039/D2DT03231G

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