Issue 39, 2022

Observation of a 1/3 magnetization plateau in Pb2Cu10O4(SeO3)4Cl7 arising from (Cu2+)7 clusters of corner-sharing (Cu2+)4 tetrahedra


A mixed-valence compound Pb2Cu10O4(SeO3)4Cl7 has a complex structure consisting of one nonmagnetic Cu+ (S = 0) ion and four nonequivalent magnetic Cu2+ (S = 1/2) ions. It exhibits antiferromagnetic ordering at TN = 10.2 K. At a temperature below TN, a sequence of spin-flop transition at Bspin-flop = 1.3 T and 1/3 plateau formation at Bspin-flip = 4.4 K is observed in the magnetization curve M(B). The 1/3 magnetization plateau persists at least up to 53.5 T. The spin exchanges of Pb2Cu10O4(SeO3)4Cl7 evaluated by performing energy-mapping analysis based on DFT+U calculations show that the magnetic properties of Pb2Cu10O4(SeO3)4Cl7 are described by the (Cu2+)7 cluster of corner-sharing (Cu2+)4 tetrahedra, and that each (Cu2+)7 cluster has a S = 3/2 spin arrangement in the ground state. The 1/3 magnetization plateau observed for Pb2Cu10O4(SeO3)4Cl7 is explained by the field-induced flip of every second (Cu2+)7 cluster within a unit cell.

Graphical abstract: Observation of a 1/3 magnetization plateau in Pb2Cu10O4(SeO3)4Cl7 arising from (Cu2+)7 clusters of corner-sharing (Cu2+)4 tetrahedra

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Article information

Article type
16 Jul 2022
02 Sep 2022
First published
06 Sep 2022

Dalton Trans., 2022,51, 15017-15021

Observation of a 1/3 magnetization plateau in Pb2Cu10O4(SeO3)4Cl7 arising from (Cu2+)7 clusters of corner-sharing (Cu2+)4 tetrahedra

A. N. Vasiliev, P. S. Berdonosov, E. S. Kozlyakova, O. V. Maximova, A. F. Murtazoev, V. A. Dolgikh, K. A. Lyssenko, Z. V. Pchelkina, D. I. Gorbunov, S. H. Chung, H.-J. Koo and M.-H. Whangbo, Dalton Trans., 2022, 51, 15017 DOI: 10.1039/D2DT02316D

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