Issue 12, 2022

Structure, magnetic properties and spin density of two alternative Mn(ii) coordination polymers based on 1,4-bis(2′-carboxyphenoxy)benzene


Two novel manganese coordination polymers [Mn22-bcpb)(μ4-bcpb)(2,2′-bipy)2]n (1) and [Mn23-bcpb)2(2,2′-bipy)2(H2O)]n (2) (H2bcpb = 1,4-bis(2′-carboxylato phenoxy)-benzene; 2,2′-bipy = 2,2′-bipyridine), have been synthesized successfully from the same reactants. This unusual selectivity was corroborated by X-ray powder diffraction. Single crystal X-ray diffraction analysis of complex 1 reveals that neighboring Mn(II) ions are linked via two bcpb2− anions to form a dinuclear Mn(II) subunit [Mn21,1-COO)2]2+ with a Mn⋯Mn distance of 3.3758 (6) Å. And π⋯π interactions between aromatic rings of the bcpb2− and 2,2′-bipy ligands stabilize the two-dimensional extended coordination network with the unprecedented Schläfli symbols {4·62}2{42·62·82}. In the [Mn21,3-COO)2]2+ subunit of 2, two linking bcpb2− ligands subtend an interaction distance of 4.4048(6) Å. Intermolecular O–H⋯O hydrogen bonds involving oxygen atoms of carboxylic acid and coordinated water molecules connect adjacent 1D chain molecules into a 2D network. Experimental temperature-dependent magnetic susceptibility measurements and spin density analyses by DFT disclose that compounds 1 and 2 display different magnetic properties.

Graphical abstract: Structure, magnetic properties and spin density of two alternative Mn(ii) coordination polymers based on 1,4-bis(2′-carboxyphenoxy)benzene

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Article information

Article type
17 Dec 2021
28 Feb 2022
First published
03 Mar 2022

Dalton Trans., 2022,51, 4869-4877

Structure, magnetic properties and spin density of two alternative Mn(II) coordination polymers based on 1,4-bis(2′-carboxyphenoxy)benzene

A. Wang, B. Yang, Y. Wang, Z. Hu, Z. Wei, M. Zhu and U. Englert, Dalton Trans., 2022, 51, 4869 DOI: 10.1039/D1DT04240H

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