Issue 34, 2022

Dynamically tunable bound states in the continuum supported by asymmetric Fabry–Pérot resonance


The dynamic regulation of quasi-bound states in the continuum (quasi-BIC) is a research hotspot, such as incident angle, polarization angle, temperature, a medium refractive index, and medium position regulation. In this paper, a dual-band ultra-high absorber composed of upper asymmetric graphene strips and lower graphene nanoribbons can generate a symmetry-protected quasi-BIC and Fabry–Pérot resonance (FPR) mode. The band structure further demonstrates the symmetry-protected BIC. Research shows that the absorption system can withstand a relatively wide range of incidence and polarization angles. Interestingly, the quasi-BIC and FPR modes can be modulated by the Fermi levels of the graphene1 and graphene2, respectively, realizing a multifunctional switch with high modulation depth (MD > 94%), low insertion loss (IL < 0.23 dB), and large dephasing time (DT > 4.35 ps). This work provides a new approach for the dynamic regulation of quasi-BIC and stimulates the development of multifunctional switches in the absorber.

Graphical abstract: Dynamically tunable bound states in the continuum supported by asymmetric Fabry–Pérot resonance

Article information

Article type
09 Jun 2022
05 Aug 2022
First published
09 Aug 2022

Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2022,24, 20125-20129

Dynamically tunable bound states in the continuum supported by asymmetric Fabry–Pérot resonance

E. Gao, H. Li, C. Liu, B. Ruan, M. Li, B. Zhang and Z. Zhang, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2022, 24, 20125 DOI: 10.1039/D2CP02605H

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