Issue 38, 2022

An advanced bath model to simulate association followed by ensuing dissociation dynamics of benzene + benzene system: a comparative study of gas and condensed phase results


The role of the environment (N2 molecules) on the association followed by the ensuing dissociation reaction of benzene + benzene system is studied here with the help of a new code setup. Chemical dynamics simulations are performed to investigate this reaction in vacuum as well as in a bath of 1000 N2 molecules, equilibrated at 300 K. Bath densities of 20 and 324 kg m−3 are considered with a few results from the latter density. The simulations are performed at three different excitation temperatures of benzene, namely, 1000, 1500, and 2000 K, with an impact parameter range of 0–12 Å for both vacuum and bath models. Higher association probabilities and hence, higher temperature dependent association rate constants are obtained in the condensed phase. In the condensed phase, when a trajectory takes a longer time for the monomers to associate, the associated complex is formed with a longer lifetime and provides a lower rate of ensuing dissociation. Higher association rate and lower dissociation rate in condensed phase dynamics are due to the energy transfer process. Hence, the energy transfer phenomenon plays a decisive role in the association/dissociation dynamics, which is completely ignored in the same reaction when studied in vacuum.

Graphical abstract: An advanced bath model to simulate association followed by ensuing dissociation dynamics of benzene + benzene system: a comparative study of gas and condensed phase results

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Article information

Article type
31 May 2022
07 Sep 2022
First published
08 Sep 2022

Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2022,24, 23825-23839

An advanced bath model to simulate association followed by ensuing dissociation dynamics of benzene + benzene system: a comparative study of gas and condensed phase results

Sk. S. Ahamed, H. Mahanta and A. K. Paul, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2022, 24, 23825 DOI: 10.1039/D2CP02483G

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