Issue 37, 2022

Photo-induced reversible nitric oxide capture by Fe–M(CO2H)4 (M = Co, Ni, Cu) as a building block of mixed-metal BTC-based MOFs


Metal–organic frameworks incorporating mixed-metal sites (MM-MOFs) have emerged as promising candidates in the development of sensing platforms for the detection of paramagnetic species. In this context, the present study explores the photo-induced switching behavior of mixed-metal Fe–M (M = Co, Ni, Cu) formate (Fe–M(CO2H)4), as an experimentally feasible strategy for the reversible capture of nitric oxide (NO). Using Fe–M(CO2H)4 as a building block of synthesized MOFs based on BTC (benzene-1,3,5-tricarboxylic acid), molecular simulations of NO adsorption on Fe–M(CO2H)4 were conducted to provide a template for evaluating the behavior of BTC-based MOFs towards NO. Accordingly, the relationship between the magnetic properties and adsorption behaviors of Fe–M(CO2H)4 towards NO gas molecules was evaluated before and after photoexcitation. We show that the photo-induced effect on the magnetic properties of Fe–M(CO2H)4 changes the interaction strength between NO and the Fe–M(CO2H)4 systems. NO chemisorption over Fe–Ni(CO2H)4 indicates that nickel-doped Fe-BTC MOFs can be efficiently applied for capturing purposes. Moreover, our calculations show a switching behavior between physisorption and chemisorption of the NO molecules over Fe–Co(CO2H)4, occurring through magnetic modulation under UV-Vis irradiation. As far as we know, this is the first study that proposes light-controlled reversible NO capture using MOFs. The present study provides a promising platform for reversible NO capture using MM-MOF-incorporated BTC building blocks.

Graphical abstract: Photo-induced reversible nitric oxide capture by Fe–M(CO2H)4 (M = Co, Ni, Cu) as a building block of mixed-metal BTC-based MOFs

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Article information

Article type
23 May 2022
05 Sep 2022
First published
20 Sep 2022

Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2022,24, 22859-22870

Photo-induced reversible nitric oxide capture by Fe–M(CO2H)4 (M = Co, Ni, Cu) as a building block of mixed-metal BTC-based MOFs

A. Y. Jabri and A. Mohajeri, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2022, 24, 22859 DOI: 10.1039/D2CP02337G

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