Issue 35, 2022

Ultralow thermal conductivity and anisotropic thermoelectric performance in layered materials LaMOCh (M = Cu, Ag; Ch = S, Se)


In layered materials with the stacking axis perpendicular to the basal plane, anharmonicity strongly affects phonon propagation due to weak interlayer coupling, which is helpful to reduce the lattice thermal conductivity and improve the thermoelectric (TE) performance significantly. By combining first-principles calculations and the Boltzmann transport equation, we systematically analyzed and evaluated the lattice thermal conductivity and TE properties of LaMOCh (M = Cu, Ag; Ch = S, Se). The results indicate that these layered materials exhibit ultralow lattice thermal conductivities of 0.24–0.37 W m−1 K−1 along the interlayer direction at room temperature. The low lattice thermal conductivities have been analyzed from some inherent phonon properties, such as low acoustic phonon group velocity, large Grüneisen parameters, and a short phonon relaxation time. Originating from their natural layered crystal structure, the thermal and electronic transports (i.e., thermal conductivity, Seebeck coefficient, and electrical conductivity) are both highly anisotropic between their intralayer and interlayer directions. Finally, we obtained ZT values of 1.17 and 1.26 at 900 K along the interlayer direction for n-type LaCuOSe and LaAgOSe, respectively. Generally, LaMOSe exhibit larger anisotropy than LaMOS, in both n- and p-types of doping. Our findings of low thermal conductivities and large anisotropic TE performances of these layered systems should stimulate much attention in BiCuOSe and alike layered TE families.

Graphical abstract: Ultralow thermal conductivity and anisotropic thermoelectric performance in layered materials LaMOCh (M = Cu, Ag; Ch = S, Se)

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Article information

Article type
06 May 2022
13 Aug 2022
First published
15 Aug 2022

Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2022,24, 21261-21269

Ultralow thermal conductivity and anisotropic thermoelectric performance in layered materials LaMOCh (M = Cu, Ag; Ch = S, Se)

J. Ma, Q. Liu, P. Liu, P. Zhang, B. Sanyal, T. Ouyang and B. Wang, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2022, 24, 21261 DOI: 10.1039/D2CP02067J

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