Issue 29, 2022

Chemical reactions of graphitic carbon nitride films with glass surfaces and their impact on photocatalytic activity


Thin films of graphitic carbon nitride (g-CN), a visible-light-driven photocatalyst, have recently attracted interest for application in photoelectrochemical cells for water splitting and high-throughput photocatalysis. In typical syntheses, g-CN films are formed by heating the nitrogen-rich precursor and substrate to 500–600 °C. The heated substrate should affect the polycondensation of the precursor and thereby alter the properties of the g-CN film. In this paper, we demonstrate that soda-lime glass, such as commercial glass slides, modifies the chemical structure of g-CN. The terminal amino groups of g-CN are partially substituted with cyanamide and hydroxyl groups. The electron-withdrawing groups provide the energy offsets of the frontier orbitals between the modified and unmodified molecules, facilitating exciton dissociation. After alkali metals are removed, the modified g-CN film exhibits a faster photodegradation of methyl orange compared with a melon film. The simple protocol to activate a g-CN film without co-catalysts paves a new way to enhance photocatalytic activity via selections of substrates, including waste glass.

Graphical abstract: Chemical reactions of graphitic carbon nitride films with glass surfaces and their impact on photocatalytic activity

Supplementary files

Article information

Article type
11 Apr 2022
15 Jun 2022
First published
04 Jul 2022

Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2022,24, 17504-17515

Chemical reactions of graphitic carbon nitride films with glass surfaces and their impact on photocatalytic activity

K. Akaike, A. Hosokai, H. Nagashima, Q. Wei and T. Hosokai, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2022, 24, 17504 DOI: 10.1039/D2CP01677J

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