Issue 16, 2022

MOF-Derived Cu3P nanoparticles coated with N-doped carbon for nitrogen fixation


Electrochemical nitrogen reduction is a significant alternative route for synthesizing ammonia, but constructing efficient catalysts for electrochemical nitrogen fixation still faces tough challenges. In this work, Cu3P@NC (NC: nitrogen-doped carbon) nanosheets were prepared via the low-temperature pyrolysis–phosphating of Cu-MOFs. When applied to the nitrogen reduction reaction, Cu3P@NC exhibited a high ammonia yield rate of 10.4 μg h−1 mg−1cat at −0.3 V (vs. RHE) and a faradaic efficiency (FE) of 6.3% at −0.1 V (vs. RHE). The outstanding performance was attributed to the large electrochemical surface area and the defects induced as a result of N doping, which helped enhance N2 adsorption. This work provides a novel strategy for preparing N-doped carbon materials for wide-ranging applications.

Graphical abstract: MOF-Derived Cu3P nanoparticles coated with N-doped carbon for nitrogen fixation

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Article information

Article type
01 Dec 2021
04 Jan 2022
First published
19 Jan 2022

Chem. Commun., 2022,58, 2678-2681

MOF-Derived Cu3P nanoparticles coated with N-doped carbon for nitrogen fixation

J. Li, X. Lu, J. Huang, K. Guo and C. Xu, Chem. Commun., 2022, 58, 2678 DOI: 10.1039/D1CC06762A

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