Issue 9, 2022

The use of concentrated multiple reflection ATR spectroscopy in the analysis of nail polish as forensic evidence


Multiple reflection ATR spectroscopy is a technique used in cases where additional sensitivity is required over that provided by single reflection. Normally, multiple reflection equipment requires significantly more sample in order to adequately cover a larger sampling area. These larger sample amounts may not be available in forensic investigations. In this work, the capabilities of a concentrated multiple reflection ATR (CMRATR) accessory, in which all reflections are confined to a very small area, are demonstrated. Liquid solution sample sizes of only 5 to 15 μl are required. The accessory is used with an evaporative technique which further enhances sensitivity by concentrating the solute in close contact onto the ATR sampling surface. The technique along with a multivariate statistical analysis is used to discriminate visually similar nail polish samples made by different manufacturers.

Graphical abstract: The use of concentrated multiple reflection ATR spectroscopy in the analysis of nail polish as forensic evidence

Article information

Article type
14 Jan 2022
22 Mar 2022
First published
23 Mar 2022

Analyst, 2022,147, 1833-1846

The use of concentrated multiple reflection ATR spectroscopy in the analysis of nail polish as forensic evidence

A. Koçak and S. Kang, Analyst, 2022, 147, 1833 DOI: 10.1039/D2AN00091A

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