Issue 22, 2021

LaMoBO6:Tb3+,Eu3+/Sm3+,Bi3+ yellow phosphors with exceptionally high quantum yields that can be excited by blue light


LEDs are currently dominant in the lighting industry. Improving the quantum yield of phosphors is important for the efficient utilization of energy. Herein, we have synthesized rare earth element doped green phosphors LaMoBO6:Tb3+ and yellow phosphors LaMoBO6:Tb3+,Eu3+/Sm3+, which can be excited by both ultraviolet light and blue light. Co-doping with Bi3+ significantly increases the quantum yield of yellow phosphors, and the quantum yield of LaMoBO6:Tb3+,Eu3+,Bi3+ reaches a maximum value of 92%, which is comparable to those of the state of the art yellow phosphors. These yellow phosphors were combined with ultraviolet LEDs and blue phosphors to form white LEDs. Additionally, these yellow phosphors were combined with visible blue LEDs to form white LEDs. LaMoBO6:Bi3+,Tb3+,Eu3+/Sm3+ yellow phosphors with high quantum yield that can be excited by blue light are competitive candidates for white LED applications.

Graphical abstract: LaMoBO6:Tb3+,Eu3+/Sm3+,Bi3+ yellow phosphors with exceptionally high quantum yields that can be excited by blue light

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Article information

Article type
19 Jan 2021
02 May 2021
First published
03 May 2021

J. Mater. Chem. C, 2021,9, 7065-7073

LaMoBO6:Tb3+,Eu3+/Sm3+,Bi3+ yellow phosphors with exceptionally high quantum yields that can be excited by blue light

S. Yang, B. Jiang, J. Wu, C. Duan, Y. Shan and Q. Zhao, J. Mater. Chem. C, 2021, 9, 7065 DOI: 10.1039/D1TC00254F

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