Issue 39, 2021

Biological behavior of nanoparticles with Zr-89 for cancer targeting based on their distinct surface composition


Nano-sized materials with properties that enable their internalization into target cells using passive targeting systems have been utilized with radioisotopes to track their pharmacokinetics in the body. Here, we report the incorporation of novel chelator-free Zr-89 using a hierarchical iron oxide nanocomposite (89Zr-IONC). Characterization revealed that it had a rice-shape with a mean width of 160 nm. The surface of the 89Zr-IONCs was coated by polyethyleneimine (PEI) and polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP) to improve the cancer target efficacy. The biological behavior of the nanoparticles coated with the polymers differed significantly by the surface composition. Positron emission tomography measurements by the labeled Zr-89 effectively confirmed the cancer target capability and the fate of distribution in the body. We found that only PVP coated 89Zr-IONC reached the tumor region while non-coated and PEI coated 89Zr-IONC tended to be undesirably entirely cleared in the liver and spleen. The 89Zr-incorporated iron oxide nanocomposite is significantly stable for radiolabeling despite various surface modifications, allowing the potential carrier to specifically target cancer cells. The strategy of utilizing the biocompatible PEI and PVP surface coating system for negative charged nanoparticles such as iron oxide will afford enhanced biological application.

Graphical abstract: Biological behavior of nanoparticles with Zr-89 for cancer targeting based on their distinct surface composition

Article information

Article type
04 Jul 2021
25 Aug 2021
First published
10 Sep 2021
This article is Open Access
Creative Commons BY-NC license

J. Mater. Chem. B, 2021,9, 8237-8245

Biological behavior of nanoparticles with Zr-89 for cancer targeting based on their distinct surface composition

P. S. Choi, J. Y. Lee, S. D. Yang and J. H. Park, J. Mater. Chem. B, 2021, 9, 8237 DOI: 10.1039/D1TB01473K

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