Issue 31, 2021

Vapor incubation of FASnI3 films for efficient and stable lead-free inverted perovskite solar cells


Tin perovskites with a narrow bandgap and high carrier mobility are highly attractive for environmentally friendly perovskite solar cells (PSCs), but the Sn-based PSCs are still less efficient and stable owing to the less perfect tin perovskite films. Here, we report a simple and efficient method to produce high-quality FASnI3 films by establishing a solvent vapor environment without using additional additives to manipulate both the nucleation and crystal growth of perovskites at the very early stage of perovskite formation. The smooth morphology, large grain size and low trap state density of the tin perovskite films in preferred orientations were realized. Sn-based inverted PSCs show power conversion efficiency over 10% along with high device stability that retains 83 and 82% of initial performances for 600 h under continuous illumination and for 1000 h in a N2 environment. These performances, which are among the best results of FASnI3-based PSCs, demonstrate the impressive advantages of the vapor-incubation strategy in preparing preferred perovskite films for high-performance lead-free devices.

Graphical abstract: Vapor incubation of FASnI3 films for efficient and stable lead-free inverted perovskite solar cells

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Article information

Article type
04 Jun 2021
02 Jul 2021
First published
05 Jul 2021

J. Mater. Chem. A, 2021,9, 16943-16951

Vapor incubation of FASnI3 films for efficient and stable lead-free inverted perovskite solar cells

L. Xu, C. Zhang, X. Feng, W. Lv, Z. Huang, W. Lv, C. Zheng, G. Xing, W. Huang and R. Chen, J. Mater. Chem. A, 2021, 9, 16943 DOI: 10.1039/D1TA04722A

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