Issue 33, 2021

Electrochemical formation and dissolution of an iodine–halide coordination solid complex in a nano-confined space


Iodide and iodine comprise a promising redox couple in aqueous energy storage systems (aqua-ESSs). However, the corresponding half-redox reaction on the cathode of an aqua-ESS has most often been considered as simply I2 (or I3)/I. Here, we describe for the first time reversible electrochemical formation and dissolution of insoluble iodine–halide coordination networks, [(I2)n·X] (X = Br and I), in confined nanopores with microporous carbon (micro-C) serving as a positive electrode in an aqua-ESS and using I as the redox active electrolyte during charging. In an electrochemical cell without added Br, the main half-redox reaction changed from I2/I to [(I2)n·I]/I (n = 1 and 2) as charging and discharging accelerated (i.e., as current densities increased). When Br was added to the electrolyte with I, [(I2)n·Br] was formed by electro-oxidation of I, which was stably encapsulated in nanopores of micro-C regardless of the charging/discharging rate. Our findings suggest that [(I2)n·Br]/I half-redox reactions can produce superior energy and power densities in an aqua-ESS with porous carbon electrodes through the addition of Br to their electrolytes compared with electrodes with I only.

Graphical abstract: Electrochemical formation and dissolution of an iodine–halide coordination solid complex in a nano-confined space

Supplementary files

Article information

Article type
28 Apr 2021
30 Jul 2021
First published
30 Jul 2021

J. Mater. Chem. A, 2021,9, 17955-17966

Electrochemical formation and dissolution of an iodine–halide coordination solid complex in a nano-confined space

J. Jeon, J. Hwang, J. H. Yang and J. Chang, J. Mater. Chem. A, 2021, 9, 17955 DOI: 10.1039/D1TA03554A

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