Issue 12, 2021

A hierarchical heterojunction polymer aerogel for accelerating charge transfer and separation


A hierarchical heterojunction polymer aerogel (HPA) composed of a oxygen- and nitrogen-linked heptazine-based polymer was rationally designed as a donor–acceptor (D–A) light harvester by a facile two-step self-assembly method. The HPA features a three-dimensional (3D) continuous network of 1D holey microfibers assembled from 2D nanomesh. The collaborative engineering of the D–A homojunction and 3D hierarchical open-pore nanoarchitecture in HPA causes a narrowed bandgap, improved hydrophilicity, and dramatically increased charge transfer and separation, and therefore the synthesis of sub-1 nm ultrafine Pt cocatalysts associated with countless bonding sites. It exhibits a high H2 evolution rate of 103.79 μmol h−1 (12 times higher than that of the conventional g-C3N4 powder), and an excellent internal quantum yield of 29.4% at 400 nm, much higher than those of most of the aerogel-based photocatalysts reported.

Graphical abstract: A hierarchical heterojunction polymer aerogel for accelerating charge transfer and separation

Supplementary files

Article information

Article type
12 Jan 2021
10 Feb 2021
First published
11 Feb 2021

J. Mater. Chem. A, 2021,9, 7881-7887

A hierarchical heterojunction polymer aerogel for accelerating charge transfer and separation

Y. Yin, C. Wu, G. Yu, H. Wang, Q. Han and L. Qu, J. Mater. Chem. A, 2021, 9, 7881 DOI: 10.1039/D1TA00289A

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