Including fluorescent nanoparticle probes within injectable gels for remote strain measurements and discrimination between compression and tension†
The ability to remotely and non-invasively monitor and measure the strain within injectable gels used to augment soft tissue is highly desirable. Such information could enable real-time monitoring of gel performance and bespoke gel design. We report progress towards this goal using two fluorescent particle probe systems included within two different injectable gels. The two injectable gels have been previously studied in the contexts of intervertebral disc repair and stretchable gels for cartilage repair. The two fluorophore particle probes are blue or near-infrared (NIR) emitting and are present at very low concentrations. The normalised photoluminescence (PL) intensity from the blue emitting probe is shown to equal the compressive deformation ratio of the gels. Furthermore, the normalised ratio of the PL intensities for the blue and NIR probes varies linearly with deformation ratio over a wide range (from 0.2 to 3.0) with a seamless transition from compression to tension. Hence, PL can discriminate between compression and tension. The new approach established here should apply to other gels and enable remote detection of whether a gel is being compressed or stretched as well as the extent. This study may provide an important step towards remotely and minimally invasively measuring the strain experienced by load-supporting gels in vivo.