Issue 3, 2021

Integrating hydrogen production with anodic selective oxidation of sulfides over a CoFe layered double hydroxide electrode


Replacing the sluggish oxygen evolution reaction (OER) with oxidation reactions for the synthesis of complex pharmaceutical molecules coupled with enhanced hydrogen evolution reaction (HER) is highly attractive, but it is rarely explored. Here, we report an electrochemical protocol for selective oxidation of sulfides to sulfoxides over a CoFe layered double hydroxide (CoFe-LDH) anode in an aqueous-MeCN electrolyte, coupled with 2-fold promoted cathodic H2 productivity. This protocol displays high activity (85–96% yields), catalyst stability (10 cycles), and generality (12 examples) in selective sulfide oxidation. We demonstrate its applicability in the synthesis of four important pharmaceutical related sulfoxide compounds with scalability (up to 1.79 g). X-ray spectroscopy investigations reveal that the CoFe-LDH material evolved into amorphous CoFe-oxyhydroxide under catalytic conditions. This work may pave the way towards sustainable organic synthesis of valuable pharmaceuticals coupled with H2 production.

Graphical abstract: Integrating hydrogen production with anodic selective oxidation of sulfides over a CoFe layered double hydroxide electrode

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Article information

Article type
Edge Article
05 Oct 2020
11 Nov 2020
First published
11 Nov 2020
This article is Open Access

All publication charges for this article have been paid for by the Royal Society of Chemistry
Creative Commons BY-NC license

Chem. Sci., 2021,12, 938-945

Integrating hydrogen production with anodic selective oxidation of sulfides over a CoFe layered double hydroxide electrode

L. Ma, H. Zhou, M. Xu, P. Hao, X. Kong and H. Duan, Chem. Sci., 2021, 12, 938 DOI: 10.1039/D0SC05499B

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