Issue 51, 2021

X-ray absorption spectroscopy of exemplary platinum porphyrin and corrole derivatives: metal- versus ligand-centered oxidation


A combination of Pt L3-edge X-ray absorption spectroscopy (EXAFS and XANES) and DFT (TPSS) calculations have been performed on powder samples of the archetypal platinum porphyrinoid complexes PtII[TpCF3PP], PtIV[TpCF3PP]Cl2, and PtIV[TpCF3PC](Ar)(py), where TpCF3PP2− = meso-tetrakis(p-trifluoromethylphenyl)porphyrinato and TpCF3PC3− = meso-tris(p-trifluoromethylphenyl)corrolato. The three complexes yielded Pt L3-edge energies of 11 566.0 eV, 11 567.2 eV, and 11 567.6 eV, respectively. The 1.2 eV blueshift from the Pt(II) to the Pt(IV) porphyrin derivative is smaller than expected for a formal two-electron oxidation of the metal center. A rationale was provided by DFT-based Hirshfeld which showed that the porphyrin ligand in the Pt(IV) complex is actually substantially oxidized relative to that in the Pt(II) complex. The much smaller blueshift of 0.4 eV, going from PtIV[TpCF3PP]Cl2, and PtIV[TpCF3PC](Ar)(py), is ascribable to the significantly stronger ligand field in the latter compound.

Graphical abstract: X-ray absorption spectroscopy of exemplary platinum porphyrin and corrole derivatives: metal- versus ligand-centered oxidation

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Article type
14 Aug 2021
23 Sep 2021
First published
30 Sep 2021
This article is Open Access
Creative Commons BY-NC license

RSC Adv., 2021,11, 32269-32274

X-ray absorption spectroscopy of exemplary platinum porphyrin and corrole derivatives: metal- versus ligand-centered oxidation

B. D. Matson, K. E. Thomas, A. B. Alemayehu, A. Ghosh and R. Sarangi, RSC Adv., 2021, 11, 32269 DOI: 10.1039/D1RA06151H

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