Issue 33, 2021

Fabrication and application of a MIL-68(In)–NH2 incorporated high internal phase emulsion polymeric monolith as a solid phase extraction adsorbent in triazine herbicide residue analysis


In this work, a metal–organic framework MIL-68(In)–NH2 incorporated high internal phase emulsion polymeric monolith (MIL-68(In)–NH2/polyHIPE) was prepared and applied as a solid phase extraction adsorbent for the extraction and detection of trace triazine herbicides in environmental water samples by coupling with HPLC-UV detection. The fabricated material showed good adsorption for simazine, prometryn, and prometon in water samples because of π–π interactions and hydrogen bonding interactions. Under optimal conditions, the maximum adsorption capacity of simazine, prometon and prometryn was 800 μg g−1, 800 μg g−1 and 6.01 mg g−1, respectively. The linearities were 10–800 ng mL−1 for simazine, prometon and prometryn. The limits of detection were 31–97 ng L−1, and the recoveries were 85.6–118.2% at four spiked levels with relative standard deviations lower than 5.0%. The method has a high sensitivity for the determination of three triazine herbicides in environmental water samples.

Graphical abstract: Fabrication and application of a MIL-68(In)–NH2 incorporated high internal phase emulsion polymeric monolith as a solid phase extraction adsorbent in triazine herbicide residue analysis

Article information

Article type
02 Apr 2021
04 May 2021
First published
08 Jun 2021
This article is Open Access
Creative Commons BY-NC license

RSC Adv., 2021,11, 20439-20445

Fabrication and application of a MIL-68(In)–NH2 incorporated high internal phase emulsion polymeric monolith as a solid phase extraction adsorbent in triazine herbicide residue analysis

J. Luo, L. Jiang, G. Ruan, C. Li and F. Du, RSC Adv., 2021, 11, 20439 DOI: 10.1039/D1RA02619D

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