Issue 20, 2021, Issue in Progress

A 1D binary photonic crystal sensor for detecting fat concentrations in commercial milk


Our goal in this study is to design an efficient sensor to detect the fat volume in commercial milk. We used a one-dimensional binary photonic crystal to design the sensor and the Transfer Matrix Method to study theoretically its optical response as the refractive index of milk samples changes due to the change in fat concentration. We found that the proposed sensor is efficient in sensing the fat concentration in milk. The optimum defect layer thickness is found to be 1.20 μm and the sensitivity of the sensor improved as the angle of incidence of radiation increased up to 60°. Besides, we proposed an empirical formula that can be used to estimate the fat concentration in milk. The efficiency of our sensor is based on the quick response of the sensor to the changes in the fat concentration in milk. The output signal of the sensor would be processed in a signal processing unit that will give an accurate estimation of the fat concentration in milk. The sensor is easy to fabricate, cost-effective, and user-friendly.

Graphical abstract: A 1D binary photonic crystal sensor for detecting fat concentrations in commercial milk

Article information

Article type
04 Feb 2021
15 Mar 2021
First published
24 Mar 2021
This article is Open Access
Creative Commons BY-NC license

RSC Adv., 2021,11, 12058-12065

A 1D binary photonic crystal sensor for detecting fat concentrations in commercial milk

K. M. Abohassan, H. S. Ashour and M. M. Abadla, RSC Adv., 2021, 11, 12058 DOI: 10.1039/D1RA00955A

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