Issue 5, 2021

Carbon dioxide-promoted palladium-catalyzed dehydration of primary allylic alcohols: access to substituted 1,3-dienes


1,3-Dienes are versatile synthons and important monomers. Herein we report a carbon dioxide promoted dehydration reaction of primary allylic alcohols to produce substituted 1,3-dienes in good yields. Taking advantage of carbon dioxide as a promoter to facilitate the alcoholic C–O bond cleavage via the formation of an allylic bicarbonate ester, this reaction proceeds under mild conditions.

Graphical abstract: Carbon dioxide-promoted palladium-catalyzed dehydration of primary allylic alcohols: access to substituted 1,3-dienes

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Article information

Article type
Research Article
23 Nov 2020
29 Dec 2020
First published
30 Dec 2020

Org. Chem. Front., 2021,8, 941-946

Carbon dioxide-promoted palladium-catalyzed dehydration of primary allylic alcohols: access to substituted 1,3-dienes

Y. Huang, W. Zhang, K. Zhang, W. Wang and X. Lu, Org. Chem. Front., 2021, 8, 941 DOI: 10.1039/D0QO01465F

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