Issue 48, 2021

Photoelectric effect of hybrid ultraviolet-sensitized phototransistors from an n-type organic semiconductor and an all-inorganic perovskite quantum dot photosensitizer


Low-dimensional all-inorganic perovskite quantum dots (QDs) have been increasingly developed as photo-sensing materials in the field of photodetectors because of their strong light-absorption capability and broad bandgap tunability. Here, solution-processed hybrid phototransistors built by a dithienothiophenoquinoid (DTTQ) n-type organic semiconductor transport channel mixing with a colloidal CsPbBr3 perovskite QD photosensitizer are demonstrated by manipulating the relative volume ratio from 10 : 0 to 9 : 1, 7 : 3, 5 : 5, 3 : 7, 1 : 9, and 0 : 10. This results in a significantly enhanced photodetection performance owing to the advantages of a high UV absorption cross-section based on the perovskite QDs, efficient carrier transport abilities from the DTTQ semiconductor, and the photogating effect between the bulk heterojunction photocarrier transfer interfaces. The optimized DTTQ : QD (3 : 7) hybrid phototransistor achieves a high photoresponsivity (R) of 7.1 × 105 A W−1, a photosensitivity (S) of 1.8 × 104, and a photodetectivity (D) of 3.6 × 1013 Jones at 365 nm. Such a solution-based fabrication process using a hybrid approach directly integrated into a sensitized phototransistor potentially holds promising photoelectric applications towards advanced light-stimulated photodetection.

Graphical abstract: Photoelectric effect of hybrid ultraviolet-sensitized phototransistors from an n-type organic semiconductor and an all-inorganic perovskite quantum dot photosensitizer

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Article information

Article type
26 Oct 2021
19 Nov 2021
First published
22 Nov 2021

Nanoscale, 2021,13, 20498-20507

Photoelectric effect of hybrid ultraviolet-sensitized phototransistors from an n-type organic semiconductor and an all-inorganic perovskite quantum dot photosensitizer

S. Hong, S. N. Afraj, P. Huang, Y. Yeh, S. Tung, M. Chen and C. Liu, Nanoscale, 2021, 13, 20498 DOI: 10.1039/D1NR07084C

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