Issue 38, 2021

Biomimicking spider webs for effective fog water harvesting with electrospun polymer fibers


Fog is an underestimated source of water, especially in regions where conventional methods of water harvesting are impossible, ineffective, or challenging for low-cost water resources. Interestingly, many novel methods and developments for effective water harvesting are inspired by nature. Therefore, in this review, we focused on one of the most researched and developing forms of electrospun polymer fibers, which successfully imitate many fascinating natural materials for instance spider webs. We showed how fiber morphology and wetting properties can increase the fog collection rate, and also observed the influence of fog water collection parameters on testing their efficiency. This review summarizes the current state of the art on water collection by fibrous meshes and offers suggestions for the testing of new designs under laboratory conditions by classifying the parameters already reported in experimental set-ups. This is extremely important, as fog collection under laboratory conditions is the first step toward creating a new water harvesting technology. This review summarizes all the approaches taken so far to develop the most effective water collection systems based on electrospun polymer fibers.

Graphical abstract: Biomimicking spider webs for effective fog water harvesting with electrospun polymer fibers

Article information

Article type
Review Article
04 Aug 2021
02 Sep 2021
First published
02 Sep 2021
This article is Open Access
Creative Commons BY license

Nanoscale, 2021,13, 16034-16051

Biomimicking spider webs for effective fog water harvesting with electrospun polymer fibers

J. Knapczyk-Korczak and U. Stachewicz, Nanoscale, 2021, 13, 16034 DOI: 10.1039/D1NR05111C

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