Issue 42, 2021

A hydrogen bond cross-linked luminescent supramolecular network polymer and its application for the detection of alkyl iodides with differentiation capabilities from aromatic iodides


Here, we have demonstrated a luminescent network polymer through a H-bond cross-linking strategy by connecting poly(4-vinyl pyridine) chains with perylene diimide (PDI) cross-linker. The formation of a network structure through hydrogen bonding is successfully proved from the combined study of FTIR, NMR, XRD, and viscosity. The XRD study indicates improved crystallinity with an increased number of sharp reflection peaks, whereas the AFM study reveals self assembly into fibrils and sphere-like nanostructures. These network polymers have been used for the first time for fluorometric detection of a range of commonly employed alkylating agents at low concentrations. Interestingly, the network polymer can also differentiate between alkyl iodides and aromatic iodides.

Graphical abstract: A hydrogen bond cross-linked luminescent supramolecular network polymer and its application for the detection of alkyl iodides with differentiation capabilities from aromatic iodides

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Article information

Article type
01 Jul 2021
16 Sep 2021
First published
23 Sep 2021

New J. Chem., 2021,45, 19787-19794

A hydrogen bond cross-linked luminescent supramolecular network polymer and its application for the detection of alkyl iodides with differentiation capabilities from aromatic iodides

R. P. Behere, Rajlaxmi, N. Gupta, S. Roy, R. N. Gautam, M. K. Bharty, C. Chakroborty and B. K. Kuila, New J. Chem., 2021, 45, 19787 DOI: 10.1039/D1NJ03204F

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