Issue 12, 2021

From nanoaggregates to mesoscale ribbons: the multistep self-organization of amphiphilic peptides


This paper reports atomic force microscopy results and molecular dynamics simulations of the striking differences of long-term self-organization structures of negatively charged (AcA4)2KD (double tail) and AcA4D (single tail) peptides, respectively, forming micrometer-long, linearly ordered ribbon-like structures and nanometer-sized, unstructured, round-shaped aggregates. The subsequent formation steps of the long-range nanoribbons, experimentally observed only for the “double tail” (AcA4)2KD peptide, are analyzed in detail, showing that the initial “primary” unstructured round-shaped aggregates progressively evolve into longer nanofilaments and into micrometer-long, network-forming nanoribbon moieties. In particular, the long-range self-organization of the “double tail” peptides appears to be closely related to electrostatically driven diffusional motions of the primary aggregates and nanofilaments. The diffusional freedom degrees are prompted by the formation of a dynamic ternary air/liquid/substrate interface, due to the water evaporation process from the ultrathin films of the peptide solution cast onto a solid mica substrate. Overall, the initial aggregation of unstructured round-shaped moieties, for both the peptides, can be seen as an entropy-driven process, involving the intra- and intermolecular interactions of hydrophobic parts of the peptides, while the further formation of long nanoribbons, only for “double tail” peptides, can be viewed in terms of an enthalpy-driven process, mainly due to the predominant electrostatic interactions between the charged heads of the interacting peptides. The role of the solid–liquid interface, as the locus of the enthalpy-driven linear organization, is also highlighted.

Graphical abstract: From nanoaggregates to mesoscale ribbons: the multistep self-organization of amphiphilic peptides

Article information

Article type
22 Mar 2021
27 Apr 2021
First published
27 Apr 2021
This article is Open Access
Creative Commons BY-NC license

Nanoscale Adv., 2021,3, 3605-3614

From nanoaggregates to mesoscale ribbons: the multistep self-organization of amphiphilic peptides

G. M. L. Messina, C. Mazzuca, M. Dettin, A. Zamuner, B. Di Napoli, G. Ripani, G. Marletta and A. Palleschi, Nanoscale Adv., 2021, 3, 3605 DOI: 10.1039/D1NA00216C

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