Issue 20, 2021

Homochiral three-dimensional noncentrosymmetric lanthanide coordination polymers directed by chiral linkers: syntheses, crystal structures, and optical properties


Crystals of six enantiomorphic lanthanide–organic coordination polymers, [Ln2((R,R)-TBA)2((R,R)-HTBA)2(H2O)2]·7H2O [Ln(R)] and Ln2((S,S)-TBA)2((S,S)-HTBA)2(H2O)2]·7H2O [Ln(S)] (Ln = La, Ce, and Pr; TBA = 1,3,5-triazin-2(1H)-one-4,6-bis(alanyl)), have been grown through solvothermal reactions. The chirality of compounds Ln(R) and Ln(S) turns out to be directed by that of the respective chiral TBA ligands. The structures of the reported compounds crystallizing in the noncentrosymmetric (NCS) polar space group, C2, consist of two types of polyhedra, namely, Ln(1)O8 and Ln(2)O10, and TBA linkers. Each Ln(1)O8 polyhedron is connected through TBA ligands forming unidimensional (1D) chains. The 1D chains composed of Ln(1)O8 polyhedra are further connected to La(2)O10 polyhedra completing a three-dimensional framework. The chiral structures derived from the chiral organic TBA ligands not only absorb circularly polarized light, but also reveal second-harmonic generation signals originating from the macroscopic NCS structures. The reported chiral coordination polymers are further characterized by spectroscopic, thermal, and elemental analyses.

Graphical abstract: Homochiral three-dimensional noncentrosymmetric lanthanide coordination polymers directed by chiral linkers: syntheses, crystal structures, and optical properties

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Article information

Article type
26 Feb 2021
06 Apr 2021
First published
06 Apr 2021

CrystEngComm, 2021,23, 3701-3709

Homochiral three-dimensional noncentrosymmetric lanthanide coordination polymers directed by chiral linkers: syntheses, crystal structures, and optical properties

Y. Kuk and K. M. Ok, CrystEngComm, 2021, 23, 3701 DOI: 10.1039/D1CE00281C

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