Issue 85, 2021

nN → π*Ar interactions stabilize the E-ac isomers of arylhydrazides and facilitate their SNAr autocyclizations


We describe a novel mechanism of stabilization of the E-ac isomer of an arylhydrazide via nN → π*Ar interactions. We further show that when a leaving group (F) is present at the ortho-position of the carbonyl group of such an arylhydrazide, the nN → π*Ar interaction facilitates an SNAr autocyclization reaction to produce indazolone, an important heterocycle with biological activity. Faster autocyclization of arylhydrazide is observed when an electron withdrawing group is present in the aryl ring, which is a characteristic of SNAr reactions.

Graphical abstract: nN → π*Ar interactions stabilize the E-ac isomers of arylhydrazides and facilitate their SNAr autocyclizations

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Article information

Article type
17 Aug 2021
28 Sep 2021
First published
28 Sep 2021

Chem. Commun., 2021,57, 11236-11239

nN → π*Ar interactions stabilize the E-ac isomers of arylhydrazides and facilitate their SNAr autocyclizations

J. K. R. Deka, D. Kalita, B. Sahariah and B. K. Sarma, Chem. Commun., 2021, 57, 11236 DOI: 10.1039/D1CC04533D

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