Issue 78, 2021

How electrophilic are 3-nitroindoles? Mechanistic investigations and application to a reagentless (4+2) cycloaddition


The electrophilicity of 4 different 3-nitroindole derivatives has been evaluated by Mayr’s linear free energy relationship (log k(20 °C) = sN(E + N)) and reveals unexpected values for aromatic compounds, in the nitrostyrene range. 3-Nitroindoles are sufficiently electrophilic to interact with a common diene namely the Danishefsky's diene at room temperature, in the absence of any activator, to furnish smoothly the dearomatized (4+2) cycloadducts in good yields.

Graphical abstract: How electrophilic are 3-nitroindoles? Mechanistic investigations and application to a reagentless (4+2) cycloaddition

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Article information

Article type
27 Jul 2021
06 Sep 2021
First published
06 Sep 2021

Chem. Commun., 2021,57, 10071-10074

How electrophilic are 3-nitroindoles? Mechanistic investigations and application to a reagentless (4+2) cycloaddition

B. Rkein, M. Manneveau, L. Noël-Duchesneau, K. Pasturaud, M. Durandetti, J. Legros, S. Lakhdar and I. Chataigner, Chem. Commun., 2021, 57, 10071 DOI: 10.1039/D1CC04074J

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