Issue 5, 2021

An ESIPT-induced NIR fluorescent probe to visualize mitochondrial sulfur dioxide during oxidative stress in vivo


Based on the change in electron distribution of the benzopyrylium unit before and after sulfite addition, a 2-(2′-hydroxyphenyl)benzothiazole (HBT)-based fluorophore generated the excited state intramolecular proton transfer (ESIPT) process with a near-infrared enhanced emission at 836 nm and a large Stokes shift (286 nm). The probe was applied to image SO2 derivatives in cells and mice. Our data will provide new ideas for the development of ESIPT-based fluorescence probe with longer wavelength emission.

Graphical abstract: An ESIPT-induced NIR fluorescent probe to visualize mitochondrial sulfur dioxide during oxidative stress in vivo

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Article information

Article type
10 Nov 2020
03 Dec 2020
First published
09 Dec 2020

Chem. Commun., 2021,57, 655-658

An ESIPT-induced NIR fluorescent probe to visualize mitochondrial sulfur dioxide during oxidative stress in vivo

H. Ren, F. Huo, X. Wu, X. Liu and C. Yin, Chem. Commun., 2021, 57, 655 DOI: 10.1039/D0CC07398A

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