Issue 14, 2021

A bespoke reagent free amperometric chloride sensor for drinking water


Chloride quantification is important in drinking water quality control. A bespoke, rapid and reagent free electrochemical method is reported for a simple and accurate chloride sensor specifically for mineral water without the need for added electrolyte. The voltammetry used embraces first the reduction of oxygen to clean and activate the electrode surface and ensure reproducibility without the requirement for any mechanical polishing, followed by silver chloride formation and stripping. A linear correlation was found with silver chloride stripping peak currents and chloride concentrations within the range of 0.4 mM to 3.2 mM on a silver macro disc electrode. The chloride concentrations in two different mineral water samples were measured giving excellent agreement with independent analysis.

Graphical abstract: A bespoke reagent free amperometric chloride sensor for drinking water

Article information

Article type
06 Jun 2021
24 Jun 2021
First published
01 Jul 2021
This article is Open Access
Creative Commons BY-NC license

Analyst, 2021,146, 4700-4707

A bespoke reagent free amperometric chloride sensor for drinking water

Y. Guo and R. G. Compton, Analyst, 2021, 146, 4700 DOI: 10.1039/D1AN00995H

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