Issue 17, 2020

Low-threshold stimulated emission in perovskite quantum dots: single-exciton optical gain induced by surface plasmon polaritons at room temperature


Colloidal perovskite quantum dots are candidate materials for solution-processable lasers, although stimulated emission in a semiconductor usually occurs in the multiexciton regime. Due to the quantum-confinement effect of semiconductor quantum dots, the non-radiative recombination transition dominates the relaxation of multiexcitons. Hence, the implementation of low-threshold stimulated emission of perovskite quantum dots in the single-exciton regime is meaningful. Herein, we show that this problem can be partially solved by employing a locally enhanced electric field. By applying the metal surface plasmon resonance energy-transfer effect, we demonstrate a considerable reduction of the optical gain threshold due to the newly generated coupling level induced by the local surface plasmon, and obtain optical gain in the single-exciton regime at room temperature in colloidal perovskite quantum dots. At the same time, we achieve a more than fourfold reduction in the amplified spontaneous emission threshold. This may provide a new concept for the further design of low-threshold stimulated emission colloidal nanocrystal lasers and even for improving their energy conversion efficiency.

Graphical abstract: Low-threshold stimulated emission in perovskite quantum dots: single-exciton optical gain induced by surface plasmon polaritons at room temperature

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Article information

Article type
12 Jan 2020
25 Mar 2020
First published
26 Mar 2020

J. Mater. Chem. C, 2020,8, 5847-5855

Low-threshold stimulated emission in perovskite quantum dots: single-exciton optical gain induced by surface plasmon polaritons at room temperature

L. Zhao, Y. Chen, X. Yu, X. Xing, J. Chen, J. Song and J. Qu, J. Mater. Chem. C, 2020, 8, 5847 DOI: 10.1039/D0TC00198H

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