Issue 2, 2020

Development of agri-biomass based lignin derived zinc oxide nanocomposites as promising UV protectant-cum-antimicrobial agents


Agri-biomass derived lignin is one of the most abundant natural nontoxic organic polymers. However, a major portion of lignin is underutilized, which is being left in the fields or thrown into rivers, causing waste accumulation. Utilization of the low-cost biomass-derived lignin serves a dual purpose by reducing agri-waste and by converting it into value-added materials. Here we describe the valorization of agri-biomass based lignin via its direct utilization in the green and one-step synthesis of zinc oxide nanocomposites. Lignin offered an easy and sustainable synthesis of nanocomposites in a water–ethanol mixture without the need to use any toxic material. The lignin derived nanomaterials showed excellent potential as antioxidant, UV-blocking and antimicrobial agents due to the synergistic effect of lignin and zinc oxide. Further, these nanocomposites were incorporated as an additive into a commonly used body cream to impart UV-blocking and antimicrobial properties. This one-step, cost-effective and green synthesis technique of lignin derived zinc oxide nanocomposites not only contributes to agro-waste reduction, but at the same time helps in the production of value-added materials.

Graphical abstract: Development of agri-biomass based lignin derived zinc oxide nanocomposites as promising UV protectant-cum-antimicrobial agents

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Article information

Article type
26 Jul 2019
22 Nov 2019
First published
25 Nov 2019

J. Mater. Chem. B, 2020,8, 260-269

Development of agri-biomass based lignin derived zinc oxide nanocomposites as promising UV protectant-cum-antimicrobial agents

R. Kaur, N. S. Thakur, S. Chandna and J. Bhaumik, J. Mater. Chem. B, 2020, 8, 260 DOI: 10.1039/C9TB01569H

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