Issue 6, 2020

A stimuli-responsive gel impregnated surface with switchable lipophilic/oleophobic properties


In this paper, we developed a novel morphing surface technique consisting of a 3D printed miniature groove structure and injected stimuli-responsive hydrogel pattern, which is capable of switching between lipophilicity and oleophobicity under certain stimuli. Under swelling, the geometrical change of the hydrogel will buckle the surface due to the structural confinement and create a continuous transition of surface topology. Thus, it will yield a change in the surface wetting property from oleophilic to super-oleophobic with a contact angle of oil of 85° to 165°. We quantitatively investigate this structure–property relationship using finite element analysis and analytical modeling, and the simulation results and the modeling are in good agreement with the experimental ones. This morphing surface also holds potential to be developed into an autonomous system for future sub-sea/off-shore engineering applications to separate oil and water.

Graphical abstract: A stimuli-responsive gel impregnated surface with switchable lipophilic/oleophobic properties

Article information

Article type
09 Oct 2019
13 Jan 2020
First published
13 Jan 2020

Soft Matter, 2020,16, 1636-1641

A stimuli-responsive gel impregnated surface with switchable lipophilic/oleophobic properties

Z. Li, Y. Liu, M. Lei, A. Sun, S. Sridhar, Y. Li, X. Liu, H. Lu, Y. Q. Fu and B. B. Xu, Soft Matter, 2020, 16, 1636 DOI: 10.1039/C9SM02016K

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