Issue 36, 2020, Issue in Progress

All-in-one NMR spectroscopy of small organic molecules: complete chemical shift assignment from a single NMR experiment


A new class of NOAH NMR experiments (NOAH-AST and NOAH-ASTPS), with the abbreviations, A: 1,1-ADEQUATE, S: sensitivity improved version of multiplicity-edited (ME)-HSQC, T: TOCSY, and TPS: pure shift TOCSY, are reported to obtain complete chemical shift assignments of small organic molecules from a single NMR experiment. While NOAH-AST provides 13C–13C, 1H–13C, and 1H–1H connectivities for molecules with well resolved chemical shifts, NOAH-ASTPS experiments discern 1H–1H connectivities even in complex organic molecules such as steroids at ultra-high resolution. These methods are very flexible and allow to record data through non-uniform-sampling, which reduces the experimental time to a great extent. In order to make these methods friendly to non-NMR experts (especially organic chemists and natural product scientists), python scripts have been developed and they help researchers in using these methods.

Graphical abstract: All-in-one NMR spectroscopy of small organic molecules: complete chemical shift assignment from a single NMR experiment

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Article type
16 Apr 2020
29 May 2020
First published
03 Jun 2020
This article is Open Access
Creative Commons BY-NC license

RSC Adv., 2020,10, 21174-21179

All-in-one NMR spectroscopy of small organic molecules: complete chemical shift assignment from a single NMR experiment

V. M. Rao Kakita and R. V. Hosur, RSC Adv., 2020, 10, 21174 DOI: 10.1039/D0RA03417G

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