Issue 24, 2020

High stability and visible-light photocatalysis in novel two-dimensional monolayer silicon and germanium mononitride semiconductors: first-principles study


Recently, two-dimensional semiconductor materials with moderate band gaps and significant light absorption have been highly sought for application in photocatalysis and nanoelectronics. In this study, novel monolayer SiN and GeN have been predicted by using first-principles calculations. They have excellent thermal and dynamic stabilities and present indirect band gaps of 2.58 eV and 2.21 eV with anisotropic carrier mobility, respectively. Suitable band gaps and band edges of SiN and GeN indicate that they can simultaneously produce both hydrogen and oxygen in the pH range of 6 to 14 and 0 to 10, respectively. Theoretical studies on strain engineering show that their band gaps could be effectively tuned by both biaxial tensile and compressive strain. Our work enriches the family of two-dimensional semiconductor materials and shows that monolayer SiN and GeN are promising candidates for electronic devices and photocatalysis.

Graphical abstract: High stability and visible-light photocatalysis in novel two-dimensional monolayer silicon and germanium mononitride semiconductors: first-principles study

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Article information

Article type
01 Feb 2020
30 Mar 2020
First published
08 Apr 2020
This article is Open Access
Creative Commons BY-NC license

RSC Adv., 2020,10, 14225-14234

High stability and visible-light photocatalysis in novel two-dimensional monolayer silicon and germanium mononitride semiconductors: first-principles study

K. Zhang and N. Li, RSC Adv., 2020, 10, 14225 DOI: 10.1039/D0RA00964D

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