Issue 36, 2020, Issue in Progress

Dityrosine suppresses the cytoprotective action of thyroid hormone T3 via inhibiting thyroid hormone receptor-mediated transcriptional activation


Dityrosine (Dityr) is the most common oxidized form of tyrosine. In the previous studies of mice treated with dityrosine, cell death in the pancreas, kidneys, and liver was detected in the presence of enhanced plasma triiodothyronine (T3) content. Due to its structural similarity with the thyroid hormone T3, we hypothesized that dityrosine might disrupt T3-dependent endocrine signaling. The cytotoxic effect of dityrosine was studied in C57BL/6 mice by gavage with a dityrosine dose of 320 μg per kg per day for 10 weeks. Cell death in the liver was detected in the presence of enhanced plasma thyroid hormone content in mice treated with dityrosine. The antagonistic effect of dityrosine on T3 biofunction was studied using HepG2 cells. Dityrosine incubation reduced T3 transport ability and attenuated the T3-mediated cell survival via regulation of the PI3k/Akt/MAPK pathway. Furthermore, dityrosine inhibited T3 binding to thyroid hormone receptors (TRs) and suppressed the TR-mediated transcription. Dityrosine also downregulated the expressions of T3 action-related factors. Taken together, this study demonstrates that dityrosine inhibits T3-dependent cytoprotection by competitive inhibition, resulting in downstream gene suppression. Our findings offer insights into how dityrosine acts as an antagonist of T3. These findings shed new light on cellular processes underlying the energy metabolism disorder caused by dietary oxidized protein, thus contributing to a better understanding of the diet–health axis at a cellular level.

Graphical abstract: Dityrosine suppresses the cytoprotective action of thyroid hormone T3 via inhibiting thyroid hormone receptor-mediated transcriptional activation

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Article type
10 Jan 2020
18 May 2020
First published
02 Jun 2020
This article is Open Access
Creative Commons BY-NC license

RSC Adv., 2020,10, 21057-21070

Dityrosine suppresses the cytoprotective action of thyroid hormone T3 via inhibiting thyroid hormone receptor-mediated transcriptional activation

Y. Ding, F. Wang, Y. Jiang, Y. Sheng, M. Jiang, X. Zhu, Y. Shi and G. Le, RSC Adv., 2020, 10, 21057 DOI: 10.1039/D0RA00276C

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