Issue 16, 2020

Mussel-inspired coordination functional polymer brushes-decorated rGO-stabilized silver nanoparticles composite for antibacterial application


Functionalized GO nanosheets and their nanohybrids are demonstrated to have promising biomedical applications. In this article, we design and prepare a novel catechol-terminated copolymer (CCP) containing poly(ethylene glycol) methyl ether methacrylate (PEGMA) and 2,3-epithiopropyl methacrylate (ETMA) segments via reversible addition–fragmentation chain transfer radical polymerization. The coordination functional CCP can be easily attached to the surface of reduced graphene oxide (rGO) through mussel-inspired chemistry under mild conditions. The obtained two-dimensional CCP-rGO nanosheets are utilized as a platform to construct a CCP-rGO supported well-dispersed Ag nanoparticles composite (CCP-rGO-Ag) through in situ reduction. The as-prepared CCP-rGO-Ag nanocomposite has powerful and long-lasting antibacterial activity against G (E. coli) and G+ (S. epidermidis and S. aureus). Compared with rGO-Ag without polymer modification, CCP-rGO-Ag has lower cytotoxicity and excellent performance due to the introduction of a hydrophilic coordination polymer. Overall, our study reveals a novel method of preparing copolymer brushes-modified rGO-based antibacterial nanomaterials and provides a feasible strategy to fight bacterial resistance threats to human health.

Graphical abstract: Mussel-inspired coordination functional polymer brushes-decorated rGO-stabilized silver nanoparticles composite for antibacterial application

Supplementary files

Article information

Article type
03 Feb 2020
14 Mar 2020
First published
19 Mar 2020

Polym. Chem., 2020,11, 2822-2830

Mussel-inspired coordination functional polymer brushes-decorated rGO-stabilized silver nanoparticles composite for antibacterial application

S. Zhou, H. Ji, L. Liu, S. Feng, Y. Fu, Y. Yang and C. Lü, Polym. Chem., 2020, 11, 2822 DOI: 10.1039/D0PY00180E

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