Issue 44, 2020

Spin hall nano-oscillators based on two-dimensional Fe3GeTe2 magnetic materials


Two-dimensional (2D) magnetic materials with high perpendicular anisotropy, such as Fe3GeTe2, have the potential to build spintronic devices with better performance and lower power consumption. Here, we examine microwave emissions in Fe3GeTe2/Pt spin Hall nano-oscillators with different numbers of layers of Fe3GeTe2 using micromagnetic simulations. We predict that auto-oscillation with a frequency of >30 GHz can be driven by spin–orbit torque (SOT) and the frequency is tunable with current. Observing the dynamic behaviors of magnetization dynamic reveals that non-localized spin-wave propagates in Fe3GeTe2 with a spatially varied wavelength due to Joule heat and forms certain special bubble-like magnetic structure. Our results indicate SHNOs comprising a 2D magnetic material has the potential to develop future spintronic oscillator with low power consumption and high performance.

Graphical abstract: Spin hall nano-oscillators based on two-dimensional Fe3GeTe2 magnetic materials

Article information

Article type
07 Sep 2020
26 Oct 2020
First published
27 Oct 2020

Nanoscale, 2020,12, 22808-22816

Spin hall nano-oscillators based on two-dimensional Fe3GeTe2 magnetic materials

R. Li, Z. Yu, Z. Zhang, Y. Shao, X. Wang, G. Finocchio, Z. Lu, R. Xiong and Z. Zeng, Nanoscale, 2020, 12, 22808 DOI: 10.1039/D0NR06449A

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