Issue 9, 2020

Growth mechanism of CH3NH3I in a vacuum processed perovskite


In the field of halide perovskite research, the growth of high quality films has been a critical issue. Among the reported growth methods, vacuum processes have attracted much attention due to their accurate controllability and high reproducibility, as proven in the manufacture of vacuum deposited organic-light-emitting-diode industry. In a vacuum process, the major difficulty for growing a perovskite film is control of a precursor, methylammonium iodide (MAI), originating from its uncontrollable behavior i.e., a high working pressure and poor adsorption characteristics. Thus, it is crucial to understand the growth mechanism of MAI vapor for the successful application of vacuum processes in the growth of halide perovskite films. In this paper, we report the growth mechanism and deposition kinetics of MAI in a vacuum. Unlike that of conventional materials evaporated in a vacuum, the deposition rate of MAI was found to be much faster on the reactive surface, PbI2, compared to other non-reactive materials. Surprisingly, a very thin (2 nm-thick) PbI2 layer increased the initial growth rate of MAI 2.7-fold. Based on the real-time monitored data from a quartz microbalance and surface study, we suggest dipole-induced adsorption as the MAI growth mechanism on PbI2 and the perovskite in the vacuum process. We believe that this work will provide meaningful insight into film growth in vacuum processed perovskites.

Graphical abstract: Growth mechanism of CH3NH3I in a vacuum processed perovskite

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Article information

Article type
08 Jun 2020
22 Jul 2020
First published
24 Jul 2020
This article is Open Access
Creative Commons BY-NC license

Nanoscale Adv., 2020,2, 3906-3911

Growth mechanism of CH3NH3I in a vacuum processed perovskite

B. Kim, Y. Han and J. Kim, Nanoscale Adv., 2020, 2, 3906 DOI: 10.1039/D0NA00466A

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