Issue 44, 2020

Extreme condition high temperature and high pressure studies of the K–U–Mo–O system


Herein the first examples of alkali earth uranyl molybdates synthesised using extreme conditions of high temperature and high pressure (HT/HP) methods, namely K2[UO2(Mo2O7)2], K2[(UO2)2(Mo(VI)4Mo(IV)(OH)2)O16], K3[(UO2)6(OH)2(MoO4)6(MoO3OH)] and K5[(UO2)10MoO5O11OH]·H2O, are described and characterised. K2[UO2(Mo2O7)2] forms a monoclinic 2D layered structure in space group P21/c that consists of interlinking Mo2O7 dimers that link isolated UO22+ moieties forming [UO2(Mo2O7)2]2− layers which are separated by K+ cations. K2[(UO2)2(Mo(VI)4Mo(IV)(OH)2)O16] forms a disordered triclinic 3D framework structure in space group P[1 with combining macron]. The structure consists of isolated UO22+ moieties connected in a layered configuration via Mo(VI)O6 polyhedra of which the layers are bridged by Mo(IV)O6 polyhedra that are partially positionally disordered by charge balancing K+ and bridging Mo4+ cations. K3[(UO2)6(OH)2(MoO4)6(MoO3OH)] adopts a disordered orthorhombic 3D framework structure in space group Pbcm consisting of small channels and large cavities built upon corner sharing MoO4 and UO22+ moieties that respectively encapsulate ordered and disordered K+ cations. K5[(UO2)10MoO5O11OH]·H2O forms a triclinic 3D framework structure in space group P[1 with combining macron] consisting of interlinking UO6, UO7 and MoO5 polyhedra which utilise cation–cation interactions between UO22+ moieties to create infinite channels parallel to the [001] direction which contain partially disordered K+ cations and H2O molecules. A combination of single crystal X-ray diffraction, bond valence sums calculations and scanning electron microscopy with energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopic measurements was used to characterise all obtained samples in this investigation. The structures uncovered in this investigation are discussed systematically in detail with other members of the broader A+–U–Mo–O system from the literature where the relationship between the degree of pressure applied and U/Mo ratio used during synthesis on the ability to obtain high dimensional structures via condensation and oligomerization of polyhedra is identified and discussed in detail.

Graphical abstract: Extreme condition high temperature and high pressure studies of the K–U–Mo–O system

Supplementary files

Article information

Article type
28 Sep 2020
30 Oct 2020
First published
31 Oct 2020

Dalton Trans., 2020,49, 15843-15853

Extreme condition high temperature and high pressure studies of the K–U–Mo–O system

G. L. Murphy, P. Kegler, M. Klinkenberg, S. Wang and E. V. Alekseev, Dalton Trans., 2020, 49, 15843 DOI: 10.1039/D0DT03367G

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