Issue 32, 2020

Integration of metal organic frameworks with enzymes as multifunctional solids for cascade catalysis


Enzymes exhibit a large degree of compatibility with metal–organic frameworks (MOFs) which allows the development of multicomponent catalysts consisting of enzymes adsorbed or occluded by MOFs. The combination of enzymes and MOFs in a multicomponent catalyst can be used to promote cascade reactions in which two or more individual reactions are performed in a single step. Cascade reactions take place due to the cooperation of active sites present on the MOF with the enzyme. A survey of the available data establishes that often an enzyme undergoes stabilization by association with a MOF and the system exhibits notable recyclability. In addition, the existence of synergism is observed as a consequence of the close proximity of all the required active sites in the multicomponent catalyst. After an introductory section describing the specific features and properties of enzyme–MOF assemblies, the main part of the present review focuses on the description of the cascade reactions that have been reported with commercial enzymes associated with MOFs, paying special attention to the advantages derived from the multicomponent catalyst. Related to the catalytic activity to metabolize glucose, generating reactive oxygen species (ROS) and decreasing the solution pH, an independent section describes the recent use of enzyme–MOF catalysts in cancer therapy. The last paragraphs summarize the current state of the art and provide our view on future developments in this field.

Graphical abstract: Integration of metal organic frameworks with enzymes as multifunctional solids for cascade catalysis

Article information

Article type
08 Jun 2020
25 Jun 2020
First published
25 Jun 2020

Dalton Trans., 2020,49, 11059-11072

Integration of metal organic frameworks with enzymes as multifunctional solids for cascade catalysis

A. Dhakshinamoorthy, A. M. Asiri and H. Garcia, Dalton Trans., 2020, 49, 11059 DOI: 10.1039/D0DT02045A

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