Issue 21, 2020

1,2-Diaza-4-phospholide complexes of chromium(ii): dipotassium organochromates behaving as single-molecule magnets


The 1,2-diaza-4-phospholide (dp) dipotassium ate complexes of chromium(II) {[(η1-N-3,5-tBu2dp)4Cr][(η5-(N,N,C,C,P))2-K(η1-O-THF)2]2} (5) and {[(η1-N-3,5-Ph2dp)4Cr][(η5-(N,N,C,C,P))2-K(η1-O-THF)2]2} (6) were synthesized and characterized by X-ray single crystal structure analysis. Complex 5 with a near-square planar geometry at the chromium(II) ion was unambiguously characterized by the high field electron paramagnetic resonance (HF-EPR) technique and magnetic measurements, revealing that it is a field-induced single-molecule magnet (SMM).

Graphical abstract: 1,2-Diaza-4-phospholide complexes of chromium(ii): dipotassium organochromates behaving as single-molecule magnets

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Article information

Article type
09 Mar 2020
16 Apr 2020
First published
17 Apr 2020

Dalton Trans., 2020,49, 6945-6949

1,2-Diaza-4-phospholide complexes of chromium(II): dipotassium organochromates behaving as single-molecule magnets

J. Su, L. Yin, Z. Ouyang, Z. Wang and W. Zheng, Dalton Trans., 2020, 49, 6945 DOI: 10.1039/D0DT00878H

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