Issue 31, 2020

Rotational quenching of an interstellar gas thermometer: CH3CN⋯He collisions


Among all the molecular species found in the interstellar medium, molecules with threefold symmetry axes play a special role, as their rotational spectroscopy allows them to act as practical gas thermometers. Methyl-cyanide (CH3CN) is the second most abundant of those (after ammonia). We compute in this paper the collisional dynamics of methyl-cyanide in collision with helium, for both the A- and the E-symmetries of CH3CN. The potential energy surface is determined using the CCSD(T)-F12b formalism and fit with convenient analytic functions. We compute the rotationally inelastic cross sections for all levels up to 510 cm−1 of collision energy, employing at low energy exact Coupled Channels methods, and at higher energies, approximate Coupled States methods. For temperatures from 7 K up to 300 K, rates of quenching are computed and most are found to differ from those reported earlier (up to a factor of a thousand), calling for a possible reexamination of the temperatures assigned to low density gasses.

Graphical abstract: Rotational quenching of an interstellar gas thermometer: CH3CN⋯He collisions

Supplementary files

Article information

Article type
03 Jun 2020
16 Jul 2020
First published
23 Jul 2020

Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2020,22, 17494-17502

Author version available

Rotational quenching of an interstellar gas thermometer: CH3CN⋯He collisions

M. Ben Khalifa, E. Quintas-Sánchez, R. Dawes, K. Hammami and L. Wiesenfeld, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2020, 22, 17494 DOI: 10.1039/D0CP02985H

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