Issue 32, 2020

Reaction probability and kinetics of water splitting on the penta-NiAs2 monolayer from an ab initio molecular dynamics investigation


The reaction probability and kinetics of the water splitting process on the penta-NiAs2 monolayer are studied using ab initio molecular dynamics simulations. A total of 100 trajectories are investigated, in which a H2O molecule is set to strike the surface with a translational energy of 1 eV or 2 eV. The results show that the NiAs2 monolayer is an excellent candidate for the activation of water splitting with a reaction probability of 94% for both energy levels. Interestingly, the kinetics of two O–H dissociation stages varies greatly with respect to the inletting translational energy. Interpreting the reaction data for the 1 eV case, we conclude that O–H1 and O–H2 dissociations are first-order processes. However, such dissociation steps become pseudo-zeroth order in the 2 eV case. At the time of the dissociation, the force acting on atoms and the principal component analysis suggest that the two OH breaking stages behave like harmonic springs until reaching the dissociation.

Graphical abstract: Reaction probability and kinetics of water splitting on the penta-NiAs2 monolayer from an ab initio molecular dynamics investigation

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Article information

Article type
05 May 2020
09 Jul 2020
First published
21 Jul 2020

Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2020,22, 18149-18154

Reaction probability and kinetics of water splitting on the penta-NiAs2 monolayer from an ab initio molecular dynamics investigation

T. H. Ho, H. C. Dong, V. Q. Bui, Y. Kawazoe and H. M. Le, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2020, 22, 18149 DOI: 10.1039/D0CP02418J

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