Issue 22, 2020

Synthesis of ordered microporous/macroporous MOF-808 through modulator-induced defect-formation, and surfactant self-assembly strategies


Ordered materials with interconnected porosity allow the diffusion of molecules within their inner porous structure to access the active sites located in the microporous core. As a follow-up of our work on engineering of MOF-808, in this contribution, we study the synthesis of defective MOF-808 using two different strategies: the use of modulators and the surfactant-assisted synthesis to obtain materials with ordered and interconnected pores. The results of the study indicated that (i) the use of modulators of different chain length led to the formation of microporous/mesoporous MOFs through the formation of missing linker defects. However, the use of the acetic acid contributes to the formation of MOFs with larger mesoporous size distributions compared to materials synthesized with formic and propionic acids as modulators, and (ii) the self-assembly of CTAB surfactant produced an ordered microporous/macroporous network which enhanced crystallinity. However, the surface properties of the materials seem to be unaffected by the use of surfactants during synthesis. These results contribute to the development of ordered materials with a broad range of pore size distributions and give rise to new opportunities to extend the applications of MOF-808.

Graphical abstract: Synthesis of ordered microporous/macroporous MOF-808 through modulator-induced defect-formation, and surfactant self-assembly strategies

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Article information

Article type
17 Jan 2020
19 May 2020
First published
20 May 2020

Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2020,22, 12591-12604

Synthesis of ordered microporous/macroporous MOF-808 through modulator-induced defect-formation, and surfactant self-assembly strategies

C. Ardila-Suárez, D. R. Molina V., H. Alem, V. G. Baldovino-Medrano and G. E. Ramírez-Caballero, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2020, 22, 12591 DOI: 10.1039/D0CP00287A

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