Issue 14, 2020

Neutral DNA–avidin nanoparticles as ultrasensitive reporters in immuno-PCR


We have developed an immuno-PCR based diagnostic platform which couples detection antibodies to self-assembled, ultra-detectable DNA–avidin nanoparticles stabilized with poly(ethylene glycol) to link DNA amplification to target protein concentration. Electrostatic neutralization and cloaking of the PCR-amplifiable DNA labels by avidin and PEG coating reduces non-specific “stickiness” and enhances assay sensitivity. We further optimized the detectability of the nanoparticles by incorporating four repeats of a unique synthetic DNA PCR target into each nanoparticle. Using human chorionic gonadotropin hormone (hCG) as a model analyte, this platform was able to quantitate the target hCG protein in femtomolar concentrations using only standard laboratory equipment.

Graphical abstract: Neutral DNA–avidin nanoparticles as ultrasensitive reporters in immuno-PCR

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Article information

Article type
17 Jan 2020
26 May 2020
First published
05 Jun 2020

Analyst, 2020,145, 4942-4949

Author version available

Neutral DNA–avidin nanoparticles as ultrasensitive reporters in immuno-PCR

D. Chavan, H. Chen, M. Crum, B. Vu, M. Safari, M. Smith, P. Vekilov, J. C. Conrad, K. Kourentzi and R. C. Willson, Analyst, 2020, 145, 4942 DOI: 10.1039/D0AN00134A

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