Issue 38, 2019

Janus MoSSe/WSeTe heterostructures: a direct Z-scheme photocatalyst for hydrogen evolution


Inspired by natural photosynthesis, direct Z-scheme heterostructures are considered as promising photocatalysts for solar-driven water splitting and attract ever-growing interest. Herein, based on density functional theory and nonadiabatic molecular dynamics calculations, we predict a Janus MoSSe/WSeTe heterostructure as a potential direct Z-scheme photocatalyst for hydrogen evolution. Our calculations show that photogenerated carriers can transfer at the interface via a traditional type II path or Z-scheme path depending on stacking configurations. Surprisingly, introducing surface chalcogen vacancies can not only effectively switch the charge transfer path from type II to Z-scheme, but also increase the time difference between electron (hole) transfer and interlayer carrier recombination with a time scale of 25 ps (37.4 ps), one order of magnitude longer than that of 2595 fs (1531 fs) in intrinsic Z-scheme. This is ascribed to the introduced defect trap states strongly modulating the competition between charge separation and interlayer e–h recombination. These properties make MoSSe/WSeTe heterostructures a compelling direct Z-scheme candidate for photocatalytic hydrogen evolution.

Graphical abstract: Janus MoSSe/WSeTe heterostructures: a direct Z-scheme photocatalyst for hydrogen evolution

Supplementary files

Article information

Article type
15 Jun 2019
02 Sep 2019
First published
03 Sep 2019

J. Mater. Chem. A, 2019,7, 21835-21842

Janus MoSSe/WSeTe heterostructures: a direct Z-scheme photocatalyst for hydrogen evolution

Z. Zhou, X. Niu, Y. Zhang and J. Wang, J. Mater. Chem. A, 2019, 7, 21835 DOI: 10.1039/C9TA06407A

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