Issue 29, 2019

Dynamics of individual Brownian rods in a microchannel flow


We study the orientational dynamics of heavy silica microrods flowing through a microfluidic channel. Comparing experiments and Brownian dynamics simulations we identify different particle orbits, in particular in-plane tumbling behavior, which cannot be explained by classical Jeffery theory, and we relate this behavior to the rotational diffusion of the rods. By constructing the full, three-dimensional, orientation distribution, we describe the rod trajectories and quantify the persistence of Jeffery orbits using temporal correlation functions of the Jeffery constant. We find that our colloidal rods lose memory of their initial configuration in about a second, corresponding to half a Jeffery period.

Graphical abstract: Dynamics of individual Brownian rods in a microchannel flow

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Article information

Article type
03 May 2019
09 Jul 2019
First published
09 Jul 2019
This article is Open Access
Creative Commons BY license

Soft Matter, 2019,15, 5810-5814

Dynamics of individual Brownian rods in a microchannel flow

A. Zöttl, K. E. Klop, A. K. Balin, Y. Gao, J. M. Yeomans and D. G. A. L. Aarts, Soft Matter, 2019, 15, 5810 DOI: 10.1039/C9SM00903E

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